PhD & Master students

PhD & Master students

PhD thesis are related to the project, either funded by MIHMES or by other sources, indicated thereafter.

Current students

Guillaume Camanes - 1/11/2015 - 31/12/2018

INRA, Oniris, Nantes

CIFRE (GDS Bretagne)

Supervised by P. Ezanno (BioEpAR)

Development of a support decision tool in animal health from a research model.  


Nathalie Azevedo - 1/04/2017 - 31/08/2017

IRMAR, Rennes

Supervised by F. Mahé (IRMAR)

Spatial modelling


Damien Thomas - 1/04/2017 - 31/08/2017

IRMAR, Rennes

Supervised by F. Mahé (IRMAR)

Probabilistic models



Théo Jouanneau - 1/04/2017 - 31/08/2017                   

IRMAR, Rennes

Supervised by F. Mahé (IRMAR)


Eric Breton - 01/10/2013 - 30/09/2016

Supervised by C. Belloc (BioEpAR), P. Ezanno (BioEpAR) and M. Andraud (EBEP).

Biologie-Santé doctoral school, LUNAM.

Funded by ANR.

Coupling a model of within-host immune response to infection with a model of pathogen spread within the herd, applied to the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) in pigs.


Guillaume Camanes

01/09/2014 - 30/10/2015

INRA, Oniris, BioEpAR (MODEC), Nantes

Supervised by P. Ezanno (BioEpAR)

Development of a support decision tool in animal health from a research model.


Adrien Delpierre - 2014

Supervised by Fabrice Mahé and Aziz Belmiloudi.

M1 "Scientific calculation and applications", Univ. Rennes 1

Model parameter estimation

Bhagat Lal DUTTA

Bhagat Lal Dutta - 01/12/2011 - 30/11/2014

Supervised by P. Ezanno (BioEpAR) & E. Vergu (MaIAGE).

Biologie-Santé doctoral school, LUNAM.

PhD funded by ANR and a grant from INRA and région Pays-de-la-Loire.


Spatio-temporal modelling of pathogen spread in a cattle metapopulation: application to the Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV)


Natacha Go - 01/11/2011 - 31/10/2014

Supervised by C. Belloc (BioEpAR) & S. Touzeau (MaIAGE).

ABIES doctoral school, AgroParisTech.

Funded by ANR and a ministerial grant.


Modelling the within-host immune response to infection: application to the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) in pigs

Lilian Pigat - 2014

Supervised by Fabrice Mahé and Aziz Belmiloudi.

M1 "Scientific calculation and applications", Univ. Rennes 1

Accounting for heterogeneity in models


Gaël Beaunée - 15/10/2012 - 15/10/2015

Supervised by P. Ezanno (BioEpAR) & E. Vergu (MaIAGE).

Biologie-Santé doctoral school, LUNAM.

PhD funded by ANR.

Spread and control of paratuberculosis at a regional scale.


Diane Pagot - 01/02/2015 - 31/08/2015

INRA, Oniris, BioEpAR (MODEC), Nantes

Supervised by F. Beaugrand (BioEpAR)

Inscription of a new decision making tool for the Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) in beef cattle in the current veterinary pratices.


Pranav Pandit - 01/12/2012 - 30/11/2015

Supervised by F. Beaudeau, P. Ezanno and T. Hoch (BioEpAR)

Biologie-Santé doctoral school, LUNAM.

PhD funded by ANR and a grant from INRA and région Pays-de-la-Loire.


Coxiella burnetii spread between dairy cattle herds: a modelling approach to determine the pathways involved and to ex-ante assess the effectiveness of control strategies at the regional level.

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 05 July 2012 | By: MIHMES