International scientific congress communications

International scientific congress communications

Année 2016
  • Beaunée G., Vergu E., Joly A., Ezanno P. 2016. Spread & control of bovine paratuberculosis in an enzootic cattle region: a multi-scale model to evaluate complex strategies combining biosecurity and test-at-purchase. (ICP), 20-24/06/2016, Nantes, France.
  • Beaunée G., Ezanno P., Joly A., Vergu E. 2016. Estimation of key parameters of a multiscale model of paratuberculosis regional spread in dairy cattle. 10th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB), 11-15/07/2016, Nottingham, UK.
  • Ezanno P., Beaunée G., Qi L., Arnoux S., Vergu E. 2016. Spread & control of enzootic cattle diseases: data-driven multiscale modelling framework to prioritize complex regional strategies. (ECMTB), 12/07/2016, Nottingham, UK.
  • Guatteo R., Blanquefort P., Delafosse A., Joly A., Meens E., Fourichon C. 2016. Evidence and detection of shedding patterns of Mycobacterium avium susbspecies paratuberculosis in dairy cattle. 13th ICP (Nantes 20-24 June 2016).
  • Qi L., Vergu E., Dutta B.L., Gontier P., Ezanno P. 2016. A multiscale model of the spread of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) in a heterogeneous and dynamic bovine metapopulation. 10th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB), 11-15/07/2016, Nottingham, UK.
  • Sabbadin R., Viet A.-F. 2016. Leader-Follower MDP models with factored state space and many followers - Followers abstraction, structured dynamics and state aggregation. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-16 : 29/08-02/09/2016). The Hague, Holland.
  • Touzeau S., Go N., Bidot C., Belloc C., Why, when and how should exposure beconsidered in a model representing the within-host immune response to infection? (ETAMM), 03/06/2016, Perpignan, France
  • Vergu E., Dutta B., Moslonka-Lefebvre M., Beaunée G., Hoscheit P., Ezanno, P. 2016 Spread of livestock endemic diseases on contact networks. Focus on network analysis and modelling 10th ECMTB, July, Nottingham, UK.
  • Viet A.-F. , S. Krebs S. , Rat-Aspert  O. , Jeanpierre L., Ezanno P., Belloc C . 2016  Use of modelling approach to coordinate PRRS control decisions. 24th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (IPVS), 07-10/06/2016, Dublin, Ireland.
Année 2015
  • Andraud M., Fablet C., Renson P., Mahé S., Bourry O., Rose N. 2015. Early-life Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) virus infection: role of maternally derived antibodies and link with the immunity in the breeding herd. European symposium on porcine Health Management (ESPHM), 22-24/04/2015, Nantes, France.
  • Beaudeau F., Hoch T., Brahim M.L., Joly A., Nusinovici S., 2015. The effect of wind on Q fever transmission: a mechanistic approach. 14th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), , 3-7/11/2015, Merida, Mexico.
  • Beaunée G., Vergu E., Ezanno P. 2015. Controlling the spread of Map at a regional scale based on internal biosecurity and animal movements. Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM). 2015/03/25-27, Ghent, Belgium.
  • Ezanno P., Beaunée G., Dutta B.L., Pandit P., Qi-Gautier L., Hoch T., Beaudeau F., Vergu E. 2015. Spread and control of enzootic cattle diseases: a data-driven multiscale modelling framework to prioritize complex regional strategies. In 5. International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics (Epidemics), 1-4/12/2015, Florida, USA.
  • Ezanno P., Beaunée G., Dutta B.L., Pandit P., Hoch T., Beaudeau F., Vergu E. 2015. Spread and control of enzootic cattle diseases: a data-driven multiscale modelling framework to prioritize complex regional strategies. Epidemics5 – 5th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics, 1-4/12/2015, Florida, USA.
  • Ezanno P., Beaunée G., Vergu E. 2015. Spread and control of Johne’s disease in an enzootic cattle region: a multi-scale model to evaluate complex strategies combining biosecurity and trade regulations. 14thSymposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) Conference: Planning our future, 3-7/11/2015, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
  • Krebs S., Rault A. 2015. Modélisation épidémio-économique pour l'évaluation de stratégies de maîtrise en santé animale. L’élément humain : facteur d’échec et/ou de réussite en santé animale. Symposium de l’Association d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Animale (AESA), 12/06/2015, Liège, Belgique.
  • Leblanc Maridor M, Belloc C, Le Gall F,  Denis M, Paboeurf F, Minvielle B. 2015. Salmonella environmental contamination in slaughter pigs : a real risk?. European symposium on porcine Health Management (ESPHM), 22-24/04/2015, Nantes, France.
  • Nusinovici, S., Frössling, J., Widgren, S., Beaudeau, F., Lindberg, A., 2015. Q fever infection in dairy cattle herds: increased risk with high wind speed and low precipitations. 14th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), 3-7/11/2015, Merida, Mexique.
  • Pandit P.,  Ezanno P., Vergu E., Dutta B.L., Arnoux S., Beaudeau F., Hoch T. 2015. Dynamic between herd model for Q fever spread in dairy cattle to quantify the impact of different transmission pathways at regional scale. Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM), 25-27/03/2015, Ghent, Belgium.
  • Renson P., Rose N., Le Dimna M., Keranflech’ A., Paboeuf F., Belloc C., Le Potier M.-F., Bourry O. 2015. Dynamic change in lung macrophages and cytokines environment during infection of pigs with a high or low virulent genotype 1 PRRSV strain. European symposium on porcine Health Management (ESPHM), 22-24/04/2015, Nantes, France.
  • Vergu E., Dutta B.L., Moslonka-Lefebvre M., Beaunée G., Hoscheit P., Monod H., Filipe J., Gilligan C., Ezanno P. 2015. Cattle trade movements in France: static and dynamic networks and proxies for epidemiological risk. Workshop “Modelling, statistics and simulations in epidemiology”, 9 March 2015, Lill, France.
  • Vergu E., Dutta B.L., Moslonka-Lefebvre M., Beaunée G., Geeraert S., Hoscheit P., Monod H., Filipe J., Gilligan C., Ezanno P. 2015. Cattle trade movements in France as static and dynamic networks: proxies for epidemiological risk and modeling of pathogen spread and control. Second Workshop on “Modelling and Simulation of Epidemics”, 26 May 2015, Madrid, Spain.
  • Vergu E, Guy R, Larédo C. 2015. Approximation of epidemic models by diffusion processes and their statistical inference. Mini-symposium "Epidemic now-casting". 17-18 Nov, Lelystad, Netherlands.
Année 2014
  • Beaunée G., Vergu E., Ezanno P. 2014. Modeling of the spread and control of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in a metapopulation of cattle herds. In 9. European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB), 15-19/06/2014, Gothenburg, Suède.
  • Fourichon C. 2014. Controlling infection by Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis in dairy cow populations, myth or reality? Lessons learnt from experience and reasons for hope. In 12. International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis (ICP), 22-26/06/2014, Parme, Italie.
  • Fourichon C., Guatteo R. 2014. Control of Paratuberculosis in Cattle in France: Components of National and Regional Voluntary Programs and their Application. In 4. ParaTB Forum, 21/06/2014, Parme, Italie, 27-30.
  • Frossling J., Nusinovici S., Noremark M., Widgren S., Lindberg A. 2014. A new measure for probability based assessment of risk of disease introduction in animal networks. In Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM), 26-28/03/2014, Dublin, Irlande, 199-208.
  • Frössling, J., Nusinovici, S., Nöremark, M., Widgren, S., Lindberg, A., 2014. A novel method to identify herds with an increased probability of disease introduction due to animal trade. 2nd International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance (ICAHS), Havana, Cuba, 2014/05/7-9.
  • Go N., Bidot C., Belloc C., Touzeau S. 2014. Modelling the infection and immune dynamics induced by PRRSv: influence of strain virulence and host exposure. in 9. European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB), 15-19/06/2014, Gothenburg, Suède.
  • Rault, A., Krebs, S. 2014. Farmers' willingness to vaccinate against endemic animal diseases: a theoretical approach. In 14. EAAE Congress 'Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies', 26-29/08/2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Rose N., Renson P., Andraud M., Paboeuf F., Le Potier M-F., Bourry O. 2014. Reduction of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRSv) transmission in vaccinated pigs. European symposium on porcine Health Management (ESPHM), 7-9/05/2014, Sorrento, Italy.
  • Rose N., Renson P., Andraud M., Paboeuf F., Le Potier M-F., Bourry O. 2014. Reduction of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRSv) transmission in vaccinated pigs. International Pig Veterinary Society, 8-11/06/2014, Cancun, Mexico
  • Vergu E., Dutta B. L., Moslonka-Lefebvre M., Beaunée G., Ezanno P. 2014. Pathogen spread and control on the network of French cattle movements through coupling of intra- and inter-herd dynamical models. In 9. European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB), 15-19/06/2014, Gothenburg, Suède.
Année 2013
  • Damman A., Viet A.F., Guerrier-Chatelet M.C., Petit E., Ezanno P., 2013. Modeling the spread of BVDV in a beef cow-calf herd to evaluate the efficiency of vaccine strategy. In, 64th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), 26-29/08/2013, Nantes, France, 614.
  • Dutta B.L., Ezanno P., Vergu E., 2013. Spatiotemporal evolution of cattle movement network in France. In, 64th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), 26-29/08/2013, Nantes, France, 615.
  • Ezanno P., Vergu E., Beaudeau F., Courcoul A., Marcé C., Dutta B.L., Go N., Belloc C., 2013. Why using epidemiological models to evaluate control strategies for livestock infectious diseases? In, 64th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), 26-29/08/2013, Nantes, France, 613.
  • Go N., Bidot C., Belloc C., Touzeau S., 2013. Modelling of immune response to a respiratory virus targeting pulmonary macrophages : exploration of the  host susceptibility and viral virulence. In, Systems Biology Approach to Infectious Processes (SBIP), 13-15/05/2013, Lyon, France.
  • Go N., Bidot C., Belloc C., Touzeau S. 2013. The interactions between the porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus and its target cells : conditions for virus clearance. 9ème colloque du réseau français d’Immunologie des Animaux Domestiques (IAD). 22-23/01/2013, Paris, France.
  • Krebs S., Leblanc-Maridor M., Belloc C., 2013. An economical tool for the assessment of Salmonella control strategies in the pork supply chain. In, 64th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), 26-29/08/2013, Nantes, France, 616.
  • Nusinovici S., Hoch T., Joly A., Frossling J., Widgren S., Lindberg A., Beaudeau F., 2013. Contributions of neighborhood and animal movements to Coxiella burnetti infection in cattle herds. In, 64th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), 26-29/08/2013, Nantes, France, 444.
  • Sabbadin R., Viet A.-F., 2013. A tractable Leader-Follower MDP model for animal disease management. AAAI (Association for the advancement of artificial intelligence : 14-18/07/2013), Bellevue (Washington), USA.
  • Viet A.F., Krebs S., Rat-Aspert O., Jeanpierre L., Ezanno P., Belloc C., 2013. Modelling framework to coordinate disease control decisions: example of the PRRS. In, 64th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), 26-29/08/2013, Nantes, France, 616.
Année 2012
  • Dutta B.L., Ezanno P., Vergu E. 2012. Impact of cattle movement restrictions in the light of bluetongue in France. Epidemics on Networks: current trends and challenges, 05-07/09/2012, Girone, Espagne.
  • Fourichon, C., Ezanno, P., Marcé, C., Pfeiffer, D., Seegers, H., 2012. A dynamic simulation model for cost-benefit analysis  of paratuberculosis control strategies in dairy farms. In, 11th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis (ICP), 05-10/02/2012, Sydney, Australia, 337.
  • Go N., Bidot C., Belloc C., Touzeau S. 2012. Modelling the interactions between virus and pulmonary macrophages as target cells in a respiratory infection: conditions for virus clearance. 11th International Conference on Artifical Immune Systems (ICARIS). 28-31/08/2012, Taormina, Italie.
  • Guatteo R., Joly A., Seegers H., Burban E., Fourichon C. 2012. Shedding patterns over time of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) in cattle. 11th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis (ICP), Sydney, Australie, 2012/02/05-10, 352-354.
  • Rat-Aspert O., Krebs S. 2012. Individual and collective management of endemic animal diseases: an economic approach, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Triennial Conference, 18-24/08/2012, Foz do Iguaçu (Brasil).
  • Nusinovici S., Hoch T., Joly A., Geollot S., Guatteo R., Beaudeau F. 2012. Spatial distribution of Q fever infected dairy cattle herds in western France. 13th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) Conference: Building Bridges - Crossing Borders, 20-24/08/2012, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 352.