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MYRIADS objective is to design and implement systems and environments for autonomous service and resource management in distributed virtualized infrastructures. The team tackles the challenges of dependable application execution and efficient resource management in the future Internet of Services.

MYRIADS is a joint team with INRIA, Université de Rennes 1 and INSA de Rennes. It is part of IRISA and INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique.

MYRIADS has developed a computing grid (XtreemOS) of particular interest for performing numerous simulations. Computing resources rely on a platform of more than 5000 processor cores, also called Grid’5000. All of the models that will be developed in the project need to be analysed. As most of these models are complex stochastic models, their analysis requires intensive numeric simulations that are made possible by the use of specific computing resources such as a grid. MYRIADS will provide support for the use of their computing tools. The participation of MYRIADS in the project will allow them to validate the computing tools they developed previously to be used in a project such as MIHMES.

Project members


Christine Morin

Team leader

Dr. C. Morin aims at designing and implementing distributed operating systems for large scale dynamic infrastructures. Her goal is to provide systems that are easy to use, to manage and to program. These systems are designed to allow efficient reliable and secure application execution. Fault tolerance and autonomic computing are important topics she is addressing. She is interested in particular in systems providing support for the execution of high performance applications. She is involved mainly in WP2 and WP4.


Yvon Jégou

Dr. Y. Jégou has skills in computer sciences, especially the design and implementation of grids and clouds. He is involved mainly in WP2 and WP4.

See also

Myriads website

List of recent publications in line with the project.

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 27 September 2012 | By: MIHMES