SPACE 2016 : Once again, MIHMES project has won an innovation prize

SPACE 2016 : Once again, MIHMES project has won an innovation prize

The decision-making tool EvalParaTUB, dedicated to animal health administrators, has been developed as part of MIHMES project by UMR BioEpAR. This tool has been awarded to SPACE - International Exhibition for Animal Production - in Rennes. This is the second year that the team is distinguished in Innov'Space contest.

An innovative tool

EvalParaTuB is a flexible and intuitive decision-making tool intended to animal health administrators particularly veterinarians and sanitary organisations. It is an efficient tool to control paratuberculose spread in bovine breeding. This innovative concept is the result of about fifteen years of interdisciplinary and collaborative researches between major actors of animal health domain. EvalParaTuB permits evaluation and display of epidemiological and economic impact of paratuberculose in a dairy bovine herd. The web application is accessible and can be used anywhere on every digital device connected to internet. Each user can create his personalized account where are stored his data and results.

Presentation of the tool to journalists

EvalParaTuB has received one star at Innov'Space contest

Ezanno Pauline and her team of UMR BioEpAR (INRA Angers-Nantes, Oniris) received the trophy Innov'Space the 13th of  Septembre2016. The competition is annualy organized by the SPACE and it celebrates products, equipment or services that represent major innovations in the world of breeding and agriculture.

Pauline Ezanno, coordinator of MIHMES project
Pauline Ezanno, coordinator of MIHMES project

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 23 September 2016 | By: MIHMES