5th ModStat SAP

5th annual meeting of ModStatSAP network

The 5th annual meeting of ModStatSAP network will be held the 22nd of march in Oniris Nantes.

The 5th annual meeting of ModStatSAP network (Modelling and statistics in animal and plant health) will be held the 22nd of march in Oniris Nantes.
Exchanges will particularly concern genetic, epidemiological and spatiotemporal aspects of researches in modelling, mathematics and statistics applied to the study of plant/bioagressors and host/pathogen systems.

Gaël Beaunée from MIHMES project will present his work on "key parameters estimation of a multi-scale model of paratuberculose distribution to the dairy cattle at a regional scale"

For more details : http://informatique-mia.inra.fr/reseau-modstatsap/nantes2016
